Through the story of four destinies of women in love, Leonora Miano describes France multiracial today.
In this life, is there something more important than love? No, the answer would be to Leonora Miano. Because "we live more love than the family allowance, "the Cameroonian writer has made the central theme of his latest book," Blues for Elise. " This novel tells the story broke out of four women who have made the search for love of their life's ambition. They are in their thirties, employment, housing, and no problems with papers.
After two years of "fallow" Akasha is more than ever determined to find love. She does not want to end up like her mother, cane sugar that has been chewed and spat pressed. But when it's time to get into the speed dating [dating fast and in series, note], it remains at the shore of life where it failed. Since qu'Amahoro, the extravagant, made her lover a special caress an eminently private, he took his distance, convinced that she has hidden dark sides of its existence. Malaika is one of those whose body chubby recounts the battles lost to "enter into the norm." On the eve of her wedding, she is assailed by doubts. And if Kwame did marry that to have the papers? Foreign his own family, Shale is in love with a man who convinced him to return with him on the continent that is his. Leonora Miano
tells two generations of women indestructible bondsmen and struggling to get out of shots in which the men were locked up for better take it easy. Besides four, there Elise, Fanny, Marianne, Jewelry, Coco ... A slew of characters whose stories intertwine and collide sometimes requiring the player more attention. Leonora Miano
wanted to light a novel while remaining on the account of the intimate Afropéens injury, a term which is expensive and has already developed "Like extinguished stars." It is about love. But love is dependent on the society in which we live. Thus do we find in "Blues for Elise" of issues involved as the search for identity, the weight of traditions, ancient hatreds between Caribbeans and Subsahériens. Miano said, interior, internal lacerations, the dismemberment of women caught between two worlds, their difficult "Remembrance" for the past finally become history, instead of the perpetual present.
To speak of a multiracial France, new French, she chose to write a novel hybrid where there are Creolism, anglicisms camfranglais and musical interludes. The book in which one swings alternately with Millie Jackson, Sandra Nkaké Valery Boston and Casey is good reading with musical accompaniment, to grasp the full meaning and let penetrate the universe of the author.
Stephanie Dongmo
Leonora Miano
Blues for Elise (novel)
Ed. Plon, Paris, September 2010 196 pages
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