En provenance de la Lorraine en France, où le Franco-camerounais s’est établi depuis 1981, il est annoncé au Cameroun pour une série de conférences, pour ce qui s’apparente à un voyage initiatique au pays natal. Invité par le Centre culturel français François Villon de Yaoundé, Gaston Paul Effa donnera une série de conférences sur la littérature en général et sur d’autres sujets que l’on se fera un plaisir de découvrir. La première rencontre avec Cameroonian public place Tuesday, April 20, at 10 hours in the morning, at the Ecole Normale Superieure in Yaounde. Students who do not know Gaston Paul Effa as his texts, have the good fortune to interact directly with the one they have either studied in high school and university, or they heard in the media. On the same day, from 17 hours, the general public can meet the writer at the French Cultural Centre in Yaoundé. Other conferences have successively on April 21 at the Alliance Franco-Cameroonian Bamenda, before being deported on Thursday at the Alliance Franco-Cameroon Dschang. The last lecture will be held at the French Cultural Centre Blaise Cendrars Douala Friday, April 23, 2010. A tour
Us, children of tradition, Anne Carrère, 2008-A
the speed of a kiss on the skin, Anne Carrère, 2007
-This is the last day of the world, Editions du Rocher, 2005
-This language is indeed a fire, Laquet, 2004
-The teachers' lounge, Editions du Rocher, 2003
-The Book of the Covenant, Bibliophane, 2003 (with André Chouraqui)
-Yaoundé instant Laquet, 2003
The Jewish-and African: double offering, Editions du Rocher, 2003 (With Gabriel Attias)
-The horse-king, Editions du Rocher, 2001
-The cry that wakes you do shoot someone, Gallimard, 2000-When the sky
withdraws, L'Harmattan, 2000
The flavor-shade, L'Harmattan, 2000
-Icon, sanctuary of the presence Editions Pierron, 2000 (Collective)
MA, Grasset, 1998
All-blue, Grasset, 1995, Grand Literary Prize Black Africa 1998
Written by Jacques Bessala Manga
Wednesday, April 14, 2010 11:20
http://quotidienlejour.com/index.php?option=com_content&view = article & id = 1939: literature-back-to-country-home-for-Gaston-paul Effa-& catid = 51: arts-and entertainment-media-& Itemid = 168
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