Literature: Back to the homeland for Gaston Paul Effa | To rotate a video, the Cameroonian singer reaches out to his government. arrived in Cameroon on March 29, Wes Madiko stood out in Douala recently by asking a rabbit reporters. He had scheduled a press conference adjourned sine die. By last weekend, the singer was spotted on the side of the Ministry of Tourism where he met officials of this ministry, according to reliable sources. Wes Madiko then told them he was in Cameroon to shoot the video for the song "International". A duet with Zara, an American artist who benefits at the ceremony of swearing in of President Barack Obama. Moreover, Zara was in Cameroon a few months ago. The song "International" was composed in the very prospect of impending football World Cup which is played first on African soil.
Budget According to the artist, its producers had hoped that the clip was filmed in the Bahamas. "But I preferred the Cameroon because after my first global success, very few people could locate my roots on a map. So I decided to sell the beautiful landscapes of my country and its cultural wealth, "then said Wes Madiko its government counterparts. |
But the choice of Cameroon imposes constraints that must support the artist. These include the International Transport artists, musicians and technicians, equipment whose weight in tonnes and evaluated should be subject to a customs charge, stay in Cameroon, said his manager, Gabriel Ngola. All these charges and other fees would amount to 150,000 euros, some 95 million CFA francs. Hence the various consultations that the artist made to members Cameroon government in recent days. He already got the facilities for obtaining visas for ten instrumentalists and technicians French, Canadian and American announced, including the choreographer Paul Kirkland, who lent his talent to the great names of American music such as Madonna , Beyonce, Jenifer Lopez ... They arrive in Cameroon from April 16 to begin filming.
Written by Justin Blaise Akono
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